Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mom! I want candy for breakfast!!

I went to bed hungry and I woke up hungry. In between I had dreams of delicious foods galore...but I could not eat them. So when I woke up and finally had the chance to eat, I got my hands on the first food-item available - Sour Straws.

Whenever I start my morning off by eating candy (it happens more often than you'd think), the rest of the day is usually a slow and unproductive day for me. I think it puts me in a mindset where I feel like I don't have to achieve anything, because I sure didn't achieve a well-rounded breakfast.

So despite my long list of errands and things to do for today, I am already feeling lethargic and unmotivated to get out of the house.

Damn you Sour Straws. Damn your deliciousness.

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